Where to park and where to find us

dove trovarci

Start of boarding operations from the ports of Vibo Marina e Tropea 30 minutes before. Start of boarding operations from the islands 10 minutes before. Port Tropea dwhere to park Leave your car outside the port area as neither parking nor stopping is allowed inside the port.The area is under video surveillance, resulting in a […]

Landing fee ordinance

The new regulation on the Aeolian Islands Landing Fee 2017 stipulates that it is €2.50
Only for the months of JUNE JULY AUGUST and SEPTEMBER will be € 5.00

Cosa mettere nello zaino

Inizio operazioni di imbarco dai porti di Vibo Marina e Tropea 30 minuti prima.
Inizio operazioni di imbarco dalle isole 10 minuti prima.
Ogni reimbarco sarà coordinato da un nostro rappresentante in divisa, che stabilirà un punto di ritrovo in prossimità dei moli di scalo.

What to put in your backpack

Boarding operations start from the ports of Vibo Marina and Tropea 30 minutes earlier.
Start boarding operations from the islands 10 minutes earlier.
Each re-embarkation will be coordinated by one of our uniformed representatives, who will establish a rendezvous point near the piers of call.

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