Savadori informa

Covid Prevention


Customers must maintain a safety distance of at least one meter when checking in, when re-embarking from each island, and when disembarking at the dock as stipulated in the latest DPCM. Excursion participants will be required to wear a mask on board during the entire period of the ‘excursion. Only one person at a time will have to go to the bar to place the ‘order. We, on the other hand, will sanitize the spaces whenever customers get off the motorboat.

Protect yourself and safeguard others around you by informing yourself and taking proper precautions. Follow the guidance provided by local health authorities.

To prevent the transmission of COVID-19:

Sanitize hands often with soap and water or by using an appropriate alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Keep a safe distance from anyone who coughs or sneezes.
Wear a mask when physical spacing cannot be met.
Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
Cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow or use a paper towel, covering your nose and mouth.
If you don’t feel well, stay home.
In case of fever, cough and difficulty breathing, contact health care.

Call before you show up at the clinic: you will allow health care providers to quickly direct you to the appropriate health care facility. This precaution provides more protection for you and helps prevent the spread of viruses and other infections.


The face mask helps prevent transmission of the virus from the person wearing it to others, but by itself it does not protect against COVID-19 and should be used in conjunction with physical distancing and hand hygiene. Follow the guidance provided by local health authorities.


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CANCELLATION : Savadori Navigazione s.r.l. reserves the right to cancel the voyage at any time prior to its commencement as provided by law, with no

dove trovarci

Where to park and where to find us

Start of boarding operations from the ports of Vibo Marina e Tropea 30 minutes before. Start of boarding operations from the islands 10 minutes before.